Oct 18, 2010

Summing it up through pictures: Day 2 in Beijing - Day 11

One of the dangerous crossings.... here on a "shopping street" close to our hostel.
Our favorite restaurant! Been there two days in a row now... thinking there will be a third.
The gates to the Forbidden City and everybody's favorite dude, Mao.
The neighborhood around our hostel. Food market in the mornings, clothes at night.
Our Hostel sign
bild 6
The sign we followed to find this charming internet cave, the only Chinese characters I recognize.
....and I think Sophia described the Internet "cave" we're sitting in well enough for you to get the picture, without, uh, pictures.
Hope we'll have more luck with uploading more pictures later on, we'll keep trying! 
//Hanna (through her Mom.)


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