Oct 6, 2010

PANIC! - Day 1

Okay, so this is officially the day of our departure.
Out train to Moscow leaves in... 17 hours and 15 minutes.
And I should probably try to catch some sleep before that, but how could I, when there is no much to do?!

I should pack my rinkka, and get rid off half the stuff I have in it at the moment.
Well, half the stuff at least.
 I should check that I have copies of all important papers, visas, passport, bankcards, vaccination cards, insurance card... insurance card! Where the heck is my insurance card?!
I should finish packing all the stuff from my room into boxes (my family wants my room during the time I'm off exploring Asia).
I should learn how my brand new camera and mp3 player works... brand new, as in bought a couple hours ago. Yeah, I have a talent for leaving important things to the last minute.
I should go to the bank and yell at the bank ladies for a bit for messing around with our Visa Electron cards.
I should go to Forex and exchange some more money.
I should blog about vaccinations we've taken, hostel rooms we've booked, things we've packed, things we've bought...
I should buy a money pouch. Sexy. And a raincoat/wind-coat. Sexy.
I should probably shower and sorta prepare myself for the journey.

I should... well there are a million things I should do, but so little time...
...hence, I've apparently done what I've always do in situations like this: done nothing of the things I should do, but instead spent a lot of that preacious time whining about them.

But at least you know what's up at the moment, and I apologies for the lousy updating during the past weeks!
It's not like nothing's been happening in the travel area lately, there's just been too much happening in the travel area, feels like lately I've done nothing but stuff that has had to with this journey.
Now, let's all cross our fingers and hope for a miracle... that I'll actually get all of the things I should do, done in time, and then even have time to write a blog post or two, with contents of more importance then this one.
Whether a miracle will happen or not, I'll still post something before we leave Finland, so stay tuned!
As for now.... goodnight! If any of you can sleep with all this excitement in the air. I doubt I can.


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