Oct 18, 2010

The Subway

In Moscow the subway station was rather easy to use, just go to the lady in the ticket booth, show with your fingers how many tickets you'd like, and show the ticket to the gate thing to get through (this wasn't quite this is easy for one of the swedes, as he apparently got hit by the gate everytime he tried to pass. Rather painful, you've been warned) then all you have to know is what line you want to take and the next stop's name in Russian (so you gotta be able to read it!) then read on the signs where you have to stand. Quite simple, right?
Well, in Beijing it's even simpler. Go to the ticket selling machine, click on 'English' and ta da. Choose what line you're gonna take and to what station you're headed, give the machine 2 yuan (only likes nice and tidy bills though) and you've got your ticket.
Show it to the gate (nobody's gotten stuck here, what we know of, at least) and then just follow the coloured lines (line 1 red, line four green-ish, and so on...) to your platform. There are several maps everywhere as well. And signs which point in what direction the subway is going. And everything is in English as well.
Getting on the subway can be quite the nervwrecking procedure though, especially with a rinkka. (Wait for the videos, wait for the videos...) But once inside, happily pressed against a couple Chinese, there is a map showing the stations you've been to (blinking in green) the one you're headed for (yellow) and where you're yet to go (red). Oh, and don't forget the voice saying what station you are on, what's next, and when you should start prepairing to get off (aka elbow to the door). And all of this in English.
The only thing we actually had problems with was getting of the subway station... well, just let the gate swallow your ticket, and you're out.

Okay, enough "Beijing Subway system for Dummies".
I apologize for all the spelling errors, and all incorrect facts. This is only my perception of things! Now off to bed, early start tomorrow, since we try to be like the Chinese(6.40 am... we'll see how that goes... )

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