Jan 8, 2011

KL - Day 95

Goodbye short shorts, hello baggy trousers.
Out with the orange clad monks, in with the women in black veils.
Temples are exchanged for mosques. The hordes of backpackers are, to our relief, once again thinning out.
A happy reunion with the Latin alphabet (Bahasa Malaysia, but also a whole host of other official languages just as incomprehensible were thrown at us) and finally a warmly welcoming capital (Around 30 degrees centigrade is just about perfect). The diversity of the Malaysian people is stunning; Chinese, Indian, Malays, aboriginals and many more all share the habitat here in KL. There's China Town, Little India, a Korean settlement, just to name a few.
The people are colorful and so is the city. Vegan food is abundant here, so we're definitely enjoying ourselves. The view from KL Tower wasn't too bad either. And that's about all we did all day... Considering we didn't get up until 2pm, it was an accomplishment.
We're excited to be here, but our desire to ride the waves is growing intolerable, so our plan for tomorrow is to get hold of tickets destined for Mersing. The weather forecast doesn't look too good, but we'll give it a shot.


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