Nov 28, 2010

Yes, we're locals. - Day 54 said, pictures to the last post, and the last day of the trekking will come up tomorrow!
Today we've been too busy playing soccer with Muang Sing's soccer team, which consists of ca 20 guys aged  20-25 who practice daily. We have no idea why we agreed on playing with them, and we did get cold feet when reaching the field. After watching them play for a bit, however, we decided to join in, which meant most of them decided to watch us play. Well, all things considered I think we can be proud of our input and now we're headed out, once again, to party with Keo and his friends from the soccer team - it's our last night in Muang Sing!
Muang Sing has truly felt like a home, since we've never stayed this long in one place before (a week!) and we even 'returned' here twice: after the ATM trip to Luang Namtha and the trekking.
So we're proabbly gonna miss our days as 'locals' here, but it definitely is time to move on. All in tonight though, have to have a proper farewell!
We just hope we wont have to drink more Beerlao...

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