Since a picture says more than a thousand words, we'd really like to save ourselves the trouble of writing so much and upload some of our pictures.
...the problem is that nothing seems to agree with us.
At our hostel the connection is too slow, at the Internet cafe(where we are at the moment) picasa speaks Chinese. The answer to that problem, you might say, is to copy-paste the characters into google translate. Sounds simple enough. Well, since google translate also seems to speak only Chinese you might say we have a bit of a problem...
Right now our solution is to send pictures (about ten, so don't get too excited) to Finland, where some unlucky person will have to put them on our blog. Any volunteers?
Let me take some time to describe the Intenet cafe where we are right now:
It's filled with Chinese men that are either playing a computer game or watching porn (all we can do is try to look the other way, for the porn part, as the games are just boring). We also seem to be the only ones who haven't brought loads of food and snacks with us. These men sit, as in a trance, staring at the screen without moving (unless to quickly, and without diverting their eyes from the screen, reach for a snack) for what seems like hours on end, only leaving their seats (very reluctantly, I might add) to go to the toilet. By the smell of the guy next to Ruut, he hasn't left this place for days. Hygene clearly isn't a priority here. Spitting on the floor, burping, smoking and throwing the stump on the floor as well as smearing grease and dirt all over the keyboard and screen is accepted here. But the seats are quite comfortable, big and soft armchairs, no hard chairs here. The only sounds you can hear are the distant noises coming from the headphones closest to you and the clattering of keys (very loudly when the games get too exciting to manage).
Let's hope we get this photo business sorted out, because this is a place we won't miss!
jag kan hjälpa er, om int nån redan ja gjort de :) jobbar på dagen (söndag alltså) men sku kunna lägga upp bilder på kvällen. Dvs typ natt hos er. Majla isf bilderna + eventuell info eller instruktioner till nu ska ja sova, ha de gött tösar!
er tid här på bloggen e förresten lite weird? E de nån grej som ja int fattar? Hehe
Jag kan också hjälpa om det behövs :DD har ändå alldeles för mycke fritid haha Er resa låter hittils helt fantastiskt!!!! e såååå avundsjuk på att ni e där o ja e här hemma i min tråkiga bubla mellan jobb o träningar ;P
min mail e ellr kan int vänta på att få höra mer om er <3
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