Nov 29, 2010

Leaving - Day 55

Hey, just a quick update to let you know that pictures and the post about the last day trekking will come up whenever we find a computer next time... the moment we're trying to pack quickly (we've become pretty good at it...) and then we'll take our 'take-away' rice and tofu and head for the bus station... where to next, we're not quite sure.
Huay Xai is where we'd like to go, and we think we might get there by taking a 'bus' (usually a minivan or a jeep with way too many people in it...) to Muang Long, then a 'bus' from there to Xieng Kok, and then a speedboat from there to Huay Xai.... but these are just wild guesses, so we'll see where we end up!

ps. we are even more 'locals' here then we thought, with people constantly telling us they've seen us here and there and we've just ignored them. Well, we didn't even know we knew you! Our everyday ruotine when it comes to walking to the morning market is also so well known that we no longer have to walk since people offer us rides. The other falang ask us what's up and what's happening in Muang Sing, since we seem to know. Is it noticeable that we don't really regard ourselves as falangs anymore, hehe? We're gonna miss Muang Sing and our friends here, but yes, definitely time to leave. ds.

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